This week, I had the privilege of hosting some of my favorite media pals at Exhale Spa at the EPIC Hotel in downtown Miami for a super-charged Core Fusion Bootcamp class followed by a nutrition session, both led by Alexandra Shepherd. It’s an intense class combining cardio intervals, sport strength training, flowing yoga stretches, heat-building plyometrics, hardcore ab work and more plank runs than you ever thought were humanly possible in one 60-minute session. It was a super fun night and as all of these familiar faces started filing into class, it kind of felt like a sleepover!
During the nutrition session, Jugofresh provided us with their signature fresh pressed juices and healthy snacks to refuel. And Whole Foods Market Downtown had the hookup on gift bag goodies, as they just opened down the street the same night!
Read on for highlights and pictures from the evening shot by the one and only Matt Roy.
Core Fusion always starts with this body heat building leg lift and twist move.
Josie Llado and Jackie-Gutierrez Jones working it out with free weights.
Arielle Castillo and Ashley Brozic.
Nice form Jackie!
Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon, curls with a smile.
Josie and Jackie demonstrating the perfect plank. Now, just imagine holding this pose for a couple of minutes.
Erika Thomas with the uneven pushup.
Yes, we can hold plank forever and balance on medicine balls!
Still planking!
Yep, holding that plank and smiling!
Air born!
That’s better. Roll downs with the medicine ball with my sister Kristy by my side!
Eunique Fowler and Megan Pope have medicine ball prowess.
Work it Vanessa James!
Ashley Vaccarino demonstrating leg lifts with a weight balanced at her knee.
Martha Dominguez working it!
We’re not done yet! Now it’s time to perfect that Core Fusion curl.
Still holding it. The strength is in the stillness.
Time for a little spine stretching and cool down. That sweat is for real!
Jugofresh to the rescue with their delicious Summer Chia, P.A.M.pered Ginger and El Greengo juices to refresh!
And these incredible treats to refuel: Tienes Huevos? made with coconut meat, turmeric aioli, dill, red onion celery grey sea salt and massaged kale wrapped in a collard green, Banh Mi Maki with marinated carrots and walnut paté wrapped in nori, and El Grande Macro made with veggie burger, coconut jerky and pickled cucumber wrapped in a  collard green. Delicious and nutritious!
Our fearless leader Alex talking to Eunique post-class.
Martha and Ria Michelle enjoying the jugo!
We circled up with Alex post-class and she led a “belly bootcamp” nutrition session teaching us the foods to eat and not to eat to maintain a flat belly and a healthy lifestyle. Stay tuned for her tips in another post to come soon!