Yes, it’s been like… What? Almost two years since this epic surf trip to Nicaragua. Organized by the “Thankful Crew” (aka ThankYouMiami & ThankYouSurfing), 10 of us shacked up in a gorgeous, just-built 5-bedroom villa called Fort Walker right on the Panga Drops surf break and just down the beach from Colorados.
With my sister in Nicaragua this week and the possibility of my maybe-just-maybe return in May, well, I’ve been Nica dreaming. And I realized I never wrote about this extremely picturesque destination and trip. So… here are a few forgotten snapshots.

The (Partial) Crew: Anouck, Bill, Me, Mike, Melissa, Brad. Day tripping in Granada. Photo by Margarita Wells.

This may look like a humble chicken dish, but this pollo a la plancha spoke to me! Our first meal after touching down in Managua.

Activities included a lot of time in the pool. Yes, even enough time to pose for a backbend pic! Photo by Margarita Wells.

Beautiful sunsets. Nothing like frolicking in the surf at dusk on a gorgeous beach all to yourselves! Photo by Brad Wells.