Posts categorized: Wanderlust Chameleon Facts


My dear friend Eunique Fowler recently launched Stranded on Land, a website connecting travel and outdoor adventure sport enthusiasts. She was kind enough to invite me to be profiled on her site. Eunique recently embarked on a solo cross-country road trip from Miami to San Diego to put down roots on the West Coast and pursue a new passion. I can’t be more proud of her for having the courage to strike out on her own.   As someone who’s made similar […]

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Shayne Benowitz. Wanderlust Chameleon.

Much like myself, a Wanderlust Chameleon might be hard to understand at first blush. Maybe we should start by breaking down the two words into their dictionary definitions: Wanderlust– A strong desire to travel Chameleon– A small, slow-moving Old World lizard with a highly developed ability to change color; or (perhaps more applicably)… A person who changes their opinions or behavior according to the situation Put the two words together and a Wanderlust Chameleon is basically anyone who loves to travel and adapt to new […]

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